The last few weeks have gone by very quickly on Parliament Hill. Although the end of the parliamentary session is approaching, I have not stopped defending the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. The heat of the summer season is at our doorsteps, and I will continue to make sure that the government finds itself in the hot seat in the House of Commons.
The last few weeks have gone by very quickly on Parliament Hill. Although the end of the parliamentary session is approaching, I have not stopped defending the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. The heat of the summer season is at our doorsteps, and I will continue to make sure that the government finds itself in the hot seat in the House of Commons.
Last week, I introduced a motion in the House of Commons that would end all Covid-19 restrictions at our airports and get our country moving. Unfortunately, the Liberal-NDP coalition voted once again against the chance to end the bottlenecks and delays in Canadian airports. I will continue to oppose these mandates until they are all removed. Canadians desperately want their freedoms back, and so do I.
Like you, I am tired of COVID-19 mandates not supported by science and our leading experts. Our battle will not end until the Prime Minister and his government decide to eliminate all the vindictive mandates from coast to coast.
I spent some time last week in Thornhill meeting with many constituents and stakeholders. You may have seen me out at the UJA's Walk for Israel, on Global News analyzing the results of Ontario's election, or just out in the community.
Here are some updates from the last couple of weeks on the job.
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As always, I encourage you to reach out on issues that matter to you and our community. My staff and I are here to help.
To reach our Thornhill Conservative Association, please e-mail - [email protected]
Applications are now open for high-schoolers to apply to our new mentorship program. Selected applicants will have the opportunity to join like-minded students to learn about becoming the next generation of leaders.
As a young person, you need the experience to get a job but you need a job to get experience. Our office wants to give that experience. Chip in $100 to help put a young Thornhiller to work in our office this summer.
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Riding Opportunities


It's time for Justin Trudeau to end the Covid theatre at Canada's airports. We've all heard of endless delays, cancellations, lineups, and horror stories. Take a look at my latest video:
Ontario Election Results
Congratulations to Laura Smith, Thornhill's new MPP at Queens Park!
I recently got to welcome Sanjay and Jaian, two of my constituents, to my office in Ottawa. If you plan on travelling to our nation's capital and would like to stop by for a tour, please let me know!
While the situations at our airports get worse with line-ups and delays, the Minister for Transport continues to blame travelers instead of ending restrictions. In fact, federal mandates are set to stay in place until June 30th. What will happen on July 1st?
Even though the government knew that record lineups, delays, and staff shortages at our airport would be coming – they failed to spend nearly a quarter of CATSA’s budget last year and instead fired staff because of mandates. The government refuses to take responsibility for their incompetence and instead is continuing to punish Canadians who don’t agree with them.
"Happy tourism week’’ doesn’t rhyme with ‘‘arbitrary and unjustified restrictions and mandates’’ in our Canadian airports. Canadians want their freedoms back. I will continue to fight for the end of these vindictive federal restrictions and mandates.
Metrics, science, data - all things that must inform our public policy. And things the transport minister isn't willing to share with Canadians. Canadians deserve answers - where is the data behind restrictions?
When Canada's airports are such a mess, Canadians deserve answers from the government on why they won't drop travel restrictions. Instead, they get blamed. When will the transport minister drop the restrictions?
While this weekend's UJA Walk with Israel was a huge success, it's also a sober reminder of the security measures that the community has to pay for with charitable to ensure their safety.
Melissa on the Air
The federal government needs to do more to solve the problem of sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Tune in to hear more:
I spoke to Jerry Agar about my motion to get travel in Canada back to normal. The Liberal government has refused to listen to experts and instead wasted a chance to end bottlenecks and delays in Canadian airports.
Melissa in Thornhill
I visited Clover Tool Manufacturing for a tour of their facility right here in Vaughan and to talk about how we can promote Canadian manufacturing across North America. They're a testament to the quality work that Canada brings to the world.
I marched alongside a huge crowd for the UJA Walk for Israel. I joined lots of friends - old and new - to support the Jewish homeland. Thanks to Toronto Police for keeping us safe.
The folks at Kensington Brewing Company just made Vaughan their new home - welcome! I stopped by to celebrate their grand opening last week. Get some great drinks from them at 1033 Edgeley Blvd.
Wishing the community in Thornhill and across Canada a time of peace as you reflect on the gift of the Torah and enjoy the festivities of Shavuot.
The protection of individual rights based on the values of tolerance and respect for diversity should be non-negotiable in this country. We still have some work to do. Happy Pride Month, Thornhill.
Happy Italian Heritage Month to the community in Thornhill and across Canada. Let's celebrate the Italian community's contributions to the tremendous growth and development of our country.
Happy Filipino Heritage Month! Join me in recognizing this community's important work in making Thornhill and Canada better, stronger places to live. Mubahay!
Riding Reels
After a two year long hiatus it was amazing to meet a lot of familiar faces at CJPAC's ACTION Party. For over a decade, CJPAC's ACTION Party has successfully celebrated the engagement and support for Canada and Israel with business leaders, young professionals and elected officials.

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